Come Along With Me…

Welcome! Let’s stop and visit for a moment. I’m on a journey – a writing journey. I’ll rest here and tell you a little something about myself and my final destination on this trip.

My name is Katherine Hill Brown. I’m a writer from upstate New York. And I say “upstate” because I have to, otherwise you’ll be picturing me in some studio loft in Soho with a cup of espresso steaming in front of me and a cat curled up in my lap as I stare down onto the taxi-clogged street below. Actually, it’s a dog and I’m looking out at my chickens pecking at the grass in my back field.

Anyhoo… So where am I (and you if you choose to tag along) going to end up if my journey is successful? Why Newbery of course! Is that Connecticut or Pennsylvania? And shouldn’t it have two R’s? Neither and no. It’s not a place. Newbery is a thing. Well, now that I think of it, it’s not really a thing either. It’s more of an ideal – or a representation of an ideal.

What I’m leading up to is that I’m writing in hopes of receiving the Newbery Award for the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children.

I can hear you now… “Who does she think she is?” chuckle, chuckle. AND “Of all the self-centered, narcissistic, conceited…” snort, snort. AND “I’m not going to wast MY time…” click.

So to those of you still here, Thank You. And, I’m not stupid. I know that my chances of receiving the Newbery are less than they are of winning the lottery. Well okay, maybe slightly better, but still dismal.

But why not, if you’re going to write a book, give it your best? And why is your best any less than anyone else’s? This is what will be my fuel on this trip – My Best. And I will need you to help me stay on course. In return, I will keep you updated on my progress with all the ins and outs, joys and heartaches, successes and failures. And maybe between us we can help each other on the journey.

The journey's beginning.

The journey. Come along with me…

And…if…(I say ‘if”)…my path does someday indeed lead me to Newbery, you can say you knew me when.

  1. Hello! I’ve just nominated your terrific blog for The Lighthouse Award. Acceptance of the nomination is entirely voluntary. You can find out more about the nomination at

    Keep up the great work!


  1. Pingback: The Inner Peace Award | Don Charisma

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